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Care Leavers National Movement and National House Project Annual Conference

Some of our young people and staff from Sandwell's House Project travelled to Manchester to the above national conference last week.

The focus of this year's conference was 'Direction' with local house projects having a stall each with the aim for our young people to 'display' their direction of travel and their House Project journey.  The aim of the stall was then to share with other projects the fantastic achievements in an interactive way. Sandwell had a stall with the support of one of our business partners for our project GES. This included a House Project jigsaw and sound buttons recorded by each young person talking about their first year in the project - very inspirational! 

The conference had many young people talking about their experiences prior to the project; the impact of the House Project and the Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM), as well as guest keynote speeches from John Bernard, Poet Laureate of Coventry, who is also care experienced, and Dez Holmes (Research in Practice). Both speeches offered good challenge about how as professionals we need to consider more widely the impact of preparing our young people for adulthood.

Our staff who attended the conference will be preparing more detailed information to share as learning and to consider in terms of Pathway Planning for our young people.

What was clear is the significance for young people of having a successful House Project to help them as they become adults. Well done to our House Project staff and young people!

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