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A warm welcome to Liv

Good Morning everyone!

My name is Liv and I am doing work experience here within the Trust. This is an extraordinary milestone for Sandwell Children's Trust, as I am the first of hopefully many more work experience students to come. I am honoured to be here this week to find out more about how the system works internally, in addition to dipping my toes into the world of family law (to do with social services and fostering).

So far this week I've attended several meetings to do with upcoming events; observed and facilitated some inductions for new staff; helped to organise yesterday's Marketplace event and finally some public speaking to introduce both myself and the event.

Later on this afternoon I will be hearing about Coming into Care visits alongside some Transition visits, and this evening attending Voices of Sandwell. The next few days will consist of creating internal staff comms, more social media posts and attending Total Respect Training.

All of this I'm doing as part of the Participation and Engagement team, who have wholly welcomed me and made me feel both secure and comfortable within the Trust.

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