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Strengthening Families Service

The Strengthening Families Service provide bespoke family support to families at tiers 3 or 4 of the Sandwell Children’s Safeguarding Partnerships Threshold Document. The service offers support to children, young people and families who need some help to make things better. This may include support with parenting, routines and boundaries, maintain a safe standard of  home conditions or keeping children safe. This is achieved through the development of a Team around the family (TAF)  plan, which will be devised alongside the children, family and all professionals working alongside them.

The Strengthening Families Service also provide advice and guidance to professionals about how to provide help to families, where the threshold for Children Social Care is not met, we the aim for early help service to  implement support as early as possible

There is a Strengthening Families Service team based in each of Sandwell’s six towns and are located within multi agency offices in each town – see below for locations our teams are based. Strengthening Families Team’s share offices with Neighbourhood Service, Adult Social Care and Anti-Social behaviour teams.

Each Strengthening Families Manager is supported by three Senior Strengthening Families Practitioners and up to five Strengthening Families Practitioners. All practitioner will act as Lead Professional when working a Level 3 of the threshold matrix, the family require bespoke family support and where the worker is best placed to do so.

The Strengthening Families Service is made up of professionals from an array of professional backgrounds including youth work,  education, health and early years. Staff within the service are not Social Workers but are Family Support Practitioners.


Locations & Contact Information

Sandwell Council House – Freeth St, Oldbury B69 3DB
Tel: 0121 569 7295

Rowley Regis
Sandwell Local – Payne Street, Blackheath, Rowley Regis B65 0DH
Tel: 0121 569 7296

Smethwick Council House, High Street, Smethwick B66 3NT
Tel: 0121 569 7297

Sandwell Local – High Street, Princes End, Tipton DY4 9JB
Tel: 0121 569 7294

Wednesbury Town Hall, Holyhead Road, Wednesbury WS10 7DF
Tel: 0121 569 7294

West Bromwich
The Court House, High Street, West Bromwich B70 8LU
Tel: 0121 569 7293

The Resilient Residents web page brings together information and tips to help you save money and get the support you need.

