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Are you a Care Leaver…and what kind of care leaver are you?

It can be complicated to know what support you should be getting from Sandwell Children’s Trust, so the first thing you should do is ‘check your status’ on this handy tool.

When you have checked…press the right button to see what you are entitled to!

It will tell you whether you are an…

Eligible Care Leaver

  • You are 16 or 17 years old…AND
  • You are currently a young person in care…AND
  • You have been in care for a period of 13 weeks which began after you reached 14 years old, and must include at least 1 day after you were 16 or 17

or a Relevant Care Leaver

  • You are no longer being cared for by Sandwell Children’s Trust, but you have been eligible…AND
  • You are currently aged 16 or 17 years old

or a Former Relevant Care Leaver

  • You are between 18 and 21, and before you reached 18 you were a relevant young person…OR
  • Immediately before you stopped being cared for you were an eligible young person
  • At the age of 21 or before you are 25 you continue to be in education or training…OR
  • If at the age of 21 or before you are 25 you would like to have continued support

or a Qualifying Care Leaver

  • You are at least 16 but under 21 years old…AND
  • You were a cared for young person prior to the making of a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) which was in place when you reached 18…OR
  • If at any time (but less than 13 weeks in all) after you reached 16 you were still in care, but are now no longer cared for…OR
  • You were privately fostered and assessed to be in need?
  • As a qualifying young person you are able to access advice and assistance based on a discussion with your social worker (if you are under 18) or a personal adviser (if you are over 18).